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You Know Who You Are

Hi You,

Thank you.

Thank you for seeing me through this season.

Thank you for loving me even when I felt unlovable.

Thank you for reaching out and asking me to let myself be seen even when it felt easier to hide.

Thank you for reaching out a hand to invite me out of the hole I believed I deserved to be in. Thank you for seeing the mud on my face, the rips in my clothes and the scrapes on my skin and embracing me with enthusiasm.

Thank you for staring into my eyes, listening for the answer and giving me the freedom to stare back into yours and know I wasn't alone.

Thank you for letting me into your life - sharing laughter - sharing sweet moments of friendship.

Thank you for your smiles. They are my favorite and you shine when they come out.

Thank you for the moments when I wanted to sit at your feet & you invited me to without question. Thank you for the random calls that always came at the perfect time. Thank you for the sass, the serious, & the safe space that we connected over.

Thank you for the easy flow & connection that was built over a common conversation.

Thank you for the fun and the laughter. Even when it wasn't funny, you could make me giggle.

Thank you for the creativity. They always sparked me back into action.

Thank you for the rabbit holes. Our conversations were always original.

Thank you for being willing to play. Listen. Learn. Love. I am better because of it <3

All my Love,

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